ChatGPT in education: a bibliometric approach to the integration of Chatbot systems in educational processes




Chatbot, ChatGPT, Artificial intelligence, Educational Process


In this paper we make a bibliography review of the chatbots integration system, as ChatGPT, in the educational processes. We use a mixed approach of analytic kind taking as an initial sample of 360 text of indexing journals, of which 92 was filter and select. For the quantitative analysis, we carried out a bibliometric analysis with VOSviewer  software to find the frequency of keywords, the most significant concepts, paper citations and  countries co-authors. For the qualitative analysis we made a paper reading that was according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results discussion was addressed in relation to the analysis matrix in terms of controversy, challenges and implications of ChatGPT and its limitations, opportunities and suggestions in the educational context focused on teachers and students. In conclusion, it highlights the impact of chatbot tools based on artificial intelligence and its potential in education of the future.


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How to Cite

E. R. Reyes-Moreno, J. A. Londoño-Gallego, I. C. Andrade-Martelo, H. F. Villar-Vega, and J. J. Castro-Maldonado, “ChatGPT in education: a bibliometric approach to the integration of Chatbot systems in educational processes”, AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e Ingeniería, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 143–155, Sep. 2023.



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