Instructions to the Authors
If you wish to make a new submission, you must register in the Journal to do so, or if you are already registered you can simply identify yourself with your user and login, if you have any problem to do so, please communicate it to the email: Cuidarte Journal publishes unpublished articles in Spanish, Portuguese and English, on topics of interest to Nursing and Health Sciences, that help to generate new knowledge and are useful for the solution of Health problems and that have not been sent to other publications (electronic or printed). The content of the articles must meet the criteria of originality, novelty and methodology. Each article of the journal will be published exclusively in digital version on the website of Cuidarte Journal, as well as in the repositories and databases in which the Journal is indexed. The opinions expressed by the authors are their exclusive responsibility and do not reflect the policy of the Journal.
Organization and Presentation of Articles
Full-text papers in Spanish, Portuguese and English, in Microsoft Word, letter size, single-spaced (1.5 line spacing), without additional spaces between paragraphs and headings. Font: Times New Roman; size: 12; with 2.5 cm margins on all four sides. Instructions to Authors in PDF
Length and similarity: Maximum length 5,000 words for original articles and 3,000 for review articles (not including title, authors' data, tables and figures). Impersonal wording throughout the text, similarity less than 20% and abbreviations explained within the text the first time they are mentioned.
Requirements for submission of manuscripts for publication. All manuscripts must be accompanied by the following four documents:
1.) Declaration of Originality and Authorship of Articles for Publication (Format of Originality and Authorship for Publication), signed by each of the authors, specifying that it is an unpublished work and that it will not be submitted to any other media before knowing the decision of the Journal. Additionally, they include a signed statement where they cede the copyright and reproduction rights to the journal in case of acceptance for publication and also indicate the contribution of each individual to the research and to the manuscript.
2.) Statement of Ethical and Bioethical Principles for Publication (Format of Ethical and Bioethical Principles for Publication) inform if the work is derived from research the name of the study, as well as information about any scholarship or grant received from institutions or organizations that have funded the work on which the results presented in the article are based.
3.) Metadata - Identifiers: Title: (Metadata Format - Identifiers). It should be short, maximum 12 words, use capital letters only at the beginning of the sentence and be in 3 languages: Spanish, Portuguese and English. It should not contain abbreviations, parentheses or formulas (key terms should be used to facilitate location through electronic search engines). Authors' names: They should follow the title and should be ordered according to the degree of participation in the preparation of the article. Full names and surnames, institutional affiliation, city, country, email of each author followed by the ORCID code of each author and Cvlac link (for Colombian authors). Specify the corresponding author. They must be in the same order in which they appear in the declaration of originality and authorship. Conflicts of interest: express declaration by the authors. Information on
financing: Funding entity or entities and name of the associated project on which the article is based. (in case of not having funding, mention it). Acknowledgements: if any, please mention it.
4.) Article text:
Title: It should be short, maximum 12 words, use capital letters only at the beginning of the sentence and be in 3 languages: Spanish, Portuguese and English. It should not contain abbreviations, parentheses or formulas (key terms should be used to facilitate location through electronic search engines).
Highlights: Authors are requested to include four sentences of their own authorship that represent relevant aspects of the publication (between 15 to 30 words each sentence).
Abstract: The paper should include a structured abstract (Introduction, Objective, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions) in 3 languages: Spanish, Portuguese and English, each of no more than 250 words. The use of references is not allowed and the inclusion of acronyms or abbreviations in the abstracts is not recommended. If the data have been deposited in a public repository, authors should state at the end of the abstract the name of the database and the name and number of the repository.
Keywords: Three to five keywords; they are the key concepts and articulators of the development of the article. They should be presented in 3 languages: Spanish, Portuguese and English, directly related to the topic presented in the article. They must be registered in the Health Sciences Descriptors (Decs) of Bireme or MeSH.
-Text or Body of the Work: The development and structure of the article depends on the type of article and section to which it will be destined. Papers submitted for publication, especially Research and Innovation articles, should follow the IMRED format: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions. Introduction. The purpose of the introduction is to contextualize the reader about the content of the article, and it should include the objectives of the study or the hypothesis examined by the study or observation. Cite only pertinent references and do not include data or conclusions of the work being presented. Materials and Methods. The design of the study, the characteristics of the population in which it was carried out, the groups that were formed and the way in which it was constructed, all the techniques and elements that were used during the work, the selection and description of the participants should be described. The methods and/or strategies used to arrive at the results and their interpretation should be described. Specify statistical software and the versions used. Results. The results obtained by applying the methods described in the previous item should be presented in a logical and chronological manner, using a maximum of 6 tables, figures and/or graphs. Do not repeat all the data from the tables or figures in the text, highlight or summarize only the most relevant observations. Discussion. Briefly describe the main results and explore their possible mechanisms or explanations. An interpretation of the results described should be made and emphasize new and important aspects described in the article and also compare these results with other studies. When appropriate, discuss the influence or association of variables, such as sex and/or gender, on the results, as well as the limitation of the data. Do not repeat in detail data or other information given elsewhere in the manuscript, such as in the Introduction or Results section. Conclusions. This section expresses the opinions and concepts, supported by the results, that you arrive at after discussion. Avoid claiming priority or alluding that the work has not been completed. State new hypotheses when they are justified, but make it clear that they are hypotheses.
-Text or Body of the Work: The development and structure of the article depends on the type of article and section to which it will be destined. Papers submitted for publication, especially Research and Innovation articles, should follow the IMRED format: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions. Introduction. The purpose of the introduction is to contextualize the reader about the content of the article, and it should include the objectives of the study or the hypothesis examined by the study or observation. Cite only pertinent references and do not include data or conclusions of the work being presented. Materials and Methods. The design of the study, the characteristics of the population in which it was carried out, the groups that were formed and the way in which it was constructed, all the techniques and elements that were used during the work, the selection and description of the participants should be described. The methods and/or strategies used to arrive at the results and their interpretation should be described. Specify statistical software and the versions used. Results. The results obtained by applying the methods described in the previous item should be presented in a logical and chronological manner, using a maximum of 6 tables, figures and/or graphs. Do not repeat all the data from the tables or figures in the text, highlight or summarize only the most relevant observations. Discussion. Briefly describe the main results and explore their possible mechanisms or explanations. An interpretation of the results described should be made and emphasize new and important aspects described in the article and also compare these results with other studies. When appropriate, discuss the influence or association of variables, such as sex and/or gender, on the results, as well as the limitation of the data. Do not repeat in detail data or other information given elsewhere in the manuscript, such as in the Introduction or Results section. Conclusions. This section expresses the opinions and concepts, supported by the results, that you arrive at after discussion. Avoid claiming priority or alluding that the work has not been completed. State new hypotheses when they are justified, but make it clear that they are hypotheses.
-Ethical Issues. This Journal follows the recommendations by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) about best practices in publication ethics. When the publication involves the contact with human subjects, specifically during experiments, procedures performed must be indicated in accordance with the standards of the Ethics Committee that approved the study, the Declaration of Helsinki, the Good Clinical Practices Guidance by the International Conference on Harmonization and the International Ethical Guidelines for the Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects issued by the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences in cooperation with the World Health Organization. In addition, the author(s) is recommended to check: The Scientific, Technical, and Administrative Standards for Health-Related Research under Resolution 008430 of the 4th of October 1993, issued by the Ministry of Health Care of the Republic of Colombia. In any case, the type of informed consent obtained and the Ethics Committee name that approved the study must be informed at the end of the Material and Methods section.
-Conflict-of-Interest Statement. Authors must expressly inform at the end of the manuscript if there were any conflicts of interest during the development of the study and state their funding sources, if applicable.
-La Declaración de Conflictos de Los autores deben informar expresamente luego de las conclusiones, referir si durante el desarrollo de trabajo existieron o no conflictos de interés y declarar las fuentes de financiación si fuera el caso.
-Bibliographic references. These indicate the original sources of concepts, methods, and techniques referred in the text coming from previous researches, studies, and experiences. These are cited using superscript sequential numbers in order of appearance in the text in blue color. Abstracts will not be used as references. References are included and numbered at the end of the article, following the Vancouver Style. All articles published in electronic format must have their respective DOI or URL, the name of the journal or publisher (books) in italics and preferably in abbreviated form. (Examples can be viewed at the bottom of the page)
Article Types
The guidelines and recommendations for the preparation, submission, editing and publication of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICJME for its acronym in English) o consult here
- RESEARCH AND INNOVATION ARTICLES. As a result of research process, the document presents an original and unpublished production. Under no circumstances, contributions such as publications not derived Revista Cuidarte Guide for authors from research, abstracts, communications or conferences, book reviews, news, or translations of articles already published in other media will be accepted as “research and innovation articles.” • For more observational studies (cross-sectional studies, cohorts, cases and controls), please review the STROBE Checklist or Query • Check the following for qualitative research: COREQ or Query, • For clinical trials CONSORT or Query, recommendations for Clinical Trials Publication. Revista Cuidarte supports the policies of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) for the clinical trials registration,, acknowledging the importance of these initiatives for the registration and international disclosure of information on clinical trials with open access. Therefore, Revista Cuidarte will accept for its publication only those research articles that have previously received an identification number in one of the clinical trials registrations that are validated and recognized by the criteria set forth by the WHO and ICMJE. Number or code of the clinical trial registration should be included at the end of the article abstract on the second page. For other designs, consult the guides at EQUATOR.
- SYSTEMATIC REVIEW ARTICLES. These are systematic reviews of scientific literature, referred to detailed, selective, and critical studies that analyze essential information of the primary research studies on a specific health problem in order to report its advances and development tendencies. It is characterized by a careful analysis based on a structured bibliographic review, applying quality and evaluation criteria to the selected articles. It is different from a meta-analysis article, in which authors present a reasonable synthesis with a statistical analysis of the results found in the studies. Relevant bibliography is extensively reviewed and examined, placing it in certain perspective, and then presents its trends and advances. In both cases, a rigorous and extensive bibliographic review is involved. In the case of Systematic Reviews, the PRISMA Statement should be followed.
- CASE REPORTS. Review and presentation of cases of interest for nursing and health sciences are presented here. It also includes a review and presentation of similar cases. For clinical case reports, it is recommended to follow the CARE guidelines. For situation reports or nursing narratives, the following guideline is recommended
Structure of a medical clinical case:
- Title
- Abstract
- Key words
- Introduction
- Case description: patient description, history, physical examination report, results of pathology test or other investigations, treatment plan, expected results of the treatment plan, actual outcome.
- Discussion (comparison of similarity or differences as reported in the literature consulted; how this evidence can add value to future clinical practice).
- Conclusions
- Patient consent.
- References
Narrative and case structure in nursing:
- Title
- Abstract
- Key words
- Introduction: Justification, relevance, and context that gives rise to the case or narrative of the nursing situation. Include the objective of the manuscript.
- Materials and Methods: Narrative of the case or nursing situation narrative and description of the theoretical reference that supports the construction of the narrative.
Results: Show the application of the elements of disciplinary knowledge according to the case or narrative (EAP, models and theories, visions and patterns of Nursing, meta paradigms).
Nursing case description: EAP, plan of care (diagnostic phase, planning and evaluation). Body of the narrative: (A. Introduction. B. Case characterization sheet (entity or community, service, health event addressed, nursing theory or model). C. Narrative account. D. Metaparadigm analysis. E. Analysis of the visions. F. Analysis of knowledge patterns. G. Philosophy, theory, or nursing model that is implicit and applied in the care described in the nursing situation.
- Discussion
- Conclusions
- Patient or family consent
- References
- LETTER TO THE EDITOR. Critical, analytical, or interpretative positions about documents published in the Journal, that in the opinion of the Editorial Board, constitute an important contribution to the topic discussion by the scientific reference community.
- JOURNAL EDITORIA. Document written either by the Editor, a member of the Editorial Board or an invited researcher about topics of current and scientific interest and/or orientation in the thematic domain of the journal.
- REFLECTIVE ARTICLES. They address research results from an analytical, argumentative, and critical perspective on topics of interest in the field of medicine and health sciences. Reflective articles are requested to be structured as follows: Abstract: Introduction, objective, synthesis of content, and conclusions. Body of the manuscript: Introduction, thematic reference, discussion (argumentative component), and conclusions.
Open Science Policy
When submitting the manuscript of research results, authors are invited to review the option to deposit the data that originated the findings reported in the manuscript, an appropriate public repository of Data- set (source database or tabulated dataset) is suggested, keeping the confidentiality of the study participants (anonymous version).
The Data-set can be created in any data manager, but the journal recommends the use of the following: Mendeley Data:
The Dataverse Project:
The functionality of this process is to make the files available so that readers, evaluators and editors can observe and access the source data of the results, thus strengthening the transparency of the publication and enhancing the possibilities of citation by other researchers who consider its use. The types of documents to be linked in the datasets include: Files (Excel (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm), videos, images, interviews).
Articles accepted for publication in the Cuidarte Journal
Once the article is approved for publication, the author will be asked for the reference report, including the DOI generated after the deposit in the database of his choice. If necessary, a second edition of the dataset can be generated to complete this metadata that generates a link between the two digital objects. Authors should include the respective citation in the methodology section and in the reference list as follows: Authors. Title of the dataset. Year. Repository or data file: Version (if any). DOI. For instrument validation articles it is suggested to link the last validated version to the data-set and attach the reference of this in the results section.
If you have any questions regarding the process you can write to the e-mail:
To submit a manuscript you can consult the Tutorials:
How to upload a corrected version?
Article Rejection Criteria
A manuscript will be rejected at any stage of the Editorial Process if it fulfills one or more of the following criteria.
- The subject matter is not included within the scope declared by the Journal in its editorial policy.
- The manuscript does not meet the standards stipulated in the instructions to
- When reviewing the similarity, failures are identified by not referencing in the plagiarism
- Serious writing
- Deficiency in the methodological quality, data analysis and discussion of the
- Lack of coherence in the initial approach and the results
- Identification of some of the ethical faults contemplated for scientific
- Poor bibliographic
Examples of References
- Standard Article. Torres CC, Páez AN, Rincón L, Rosas D, Mendoza EP. Reproducibilidad del cuestionario: calidad de cuidados de enfermería en pacientes hospitalizados. Rev Cuid. 2016; 7(2): 1338-44.
- More than six authors. Cañón W, Agudelo N, Manosalva J, Rincón F, Rivera LN, Parra M, et al. Critical care nursing in Colombia: the formation of a new critical care nursing association. CONNECT: The World of Critical Care Nursing. 2008; 6(3): 51-3.
- Group-Author (the author is a team). Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. Hypertension, insulin, and proinsulin in participants with impaired glucose tolerance. Hypertension. 2002; 40(5): 679-86.
- Author is not mentioned. 21st century heart solution may have a sting in the tail. BMJ. 2002; 325 (7357): 184.
- Volume Issue Supplement. Geraud G, Spierings EL, Keywood C. Tolerability and safety of frovatriptan with short- and long-term use for treatment of migraine and in comparison with sumatriptan. Headache. 2002; 42 Suppl 2: S93-9.
- Part of a Volume. Abend SM, Kulish N. The psychoanalytic method from an epistemological viewpoint. Int J Psychoanal. 2002; 83(Pt 2): 491-5.
- Part of an Issue Number. Ahrar K, Madoff DC, Gupta S, Wallace MJ, Price RE, Wright Development of a large animal model for lung tumors. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2002; 13(9 Pt 1): 923-8.
- Issue Number without Volume. Banit DM, Kaufer H, Hartford JM. Intraoperative frozen section analysis in revision total joint arthroplasty. Clin Orthop. 2002; (401): 230-8.
- No Volume nor Issue Number.. Outreach: bringing HIV-positive individuals into care. HRSA Care Action. 2002 Jun: 1-6.
- Pages in Roman Numerals. Chadwick R, Schuklenk U. The politics of ethical consensus finding. 2002; 16 (2): iii-v.
- Indicating Article Type when Necessary. Tor M, Turker H. International approaches to the prescription of long-term oxygen therapy [letter]. Eur Respir J 2002; 20 (1): 242. (N. del T: en español [carta]) Lofwall MR, Strain EC, Brooner RK, Kindbom KA, Bigelow GE. Characteristics of older methadone maintenance (MM) patients [abstract]. Drug Alcohol Depend 2002; 66 Suppl 1: S105. (N. del T.: En español [resumen]).
- Individual Authors. Ringsven MK, Bond D. Gerontology and leadership skills for nurses. 2nd ed. Albany (NY): Delmar Publishers; 1996.
- Editor (s). Norman IJ, Redfern SJ editors. Mental health care for elderly people. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1996.
- Book Chapter. Williams GF, Fulbrook PR, Alexandrow AW, Cañón-Montañez W, HalisuKabara H, Chan D. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing Perspectives. In: Gullo A, Besso J, Lumb PD, Williams GF, editors. Intensive and Critical Care Medicine. WFSICCM World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine. Milan: Springer Verlag; 2009. p. 119-32.
- Organization(s) as Author. Royal Adelaide Hospital; University of Adelaide, Department of Clinical Nursing. Compendium of nursing research and practice development, 1999-2000. Adelaide (Australia): Adelaide University; 2001.
- Kimura J, Shibasaki H, editors. Recent advances in clinical neurophysiology. Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology; 1995 Oct 15-19; Kyoto, Japan. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1996.
- Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis [serial on line] 1995 JanMar [cited 1996 Jun 5]; 1 (1): [24 screens]. Available from: URL:
- Capacitación y desarrollo de los recursos humanos. Capítulo 7: Principios de aprendizaje. Consulta: Enero 30, 2010. Disponible en:
- Authors. Title Journal Year; Volume; Day and Month Number of pages starting with the letter e. DOI
- If No Volume is Available. Author’s last name and initials Study title Short name for journal Year; day and month of the date of publication and DOI.