Editorial Policies
Open Science Policy.
When submitting the manuscript of research results, authors are requested to upload the data that originated the findings reported in the manuscript, an appropriate public repository of Data-set (source databases or tabulated dataset) is suggested, keeping the confidentiality of the study participants (anonymous version).
The Data-set can be created in any data manager, but the journal recommends the use of the following:
Mendeley Data: https://data.mendeley.com/
The Dataverse Project: https://dataverse.org/
Dryad: https://datadryad.org/stash
Figshare: https://figshare.com/
Zenodo: https://zenodo.org/
EMBL. EBI: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/
The functionality of this process is to make the files available so that readers, evaluators and editors can observe and access the source data of the results, thus it is expected to strengthen the transparency of the publication and enhance the possibilities of citation by other researchers who consider its use. The types of documents to be linked in the datasets include: Excel, Word, PDF, videos, images, interviews.
Articles accepted for publication in the Revista Cuidarte
Once the article is approved for publication, the author will be asked for the reference report, including the DOI generated after the deposit in the database of his choice. If necessary, a second edition of the dataset can be generated to complete this metadata that generates a link between the two digital objects. Authors should include the respective citation in the methodology section and in the reference list as follows: Authors. Title of the dataset. Year. Repository or data file: Version (if any). DOI. For validation articles of an instrument it is suggested to link the last validated version to the data-set and attach the reference of this in the results section.
If you have any questions regarding the process you can write to the e-mail: revistaenfermeria@udes.edu.co
Open Access Policy
This Journal provides immediate free access to contents under the principle of knowledge support and exchange. The Revista Cuidarte is an open access scientific publication, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY 4.0), which allows unlimited use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original author and source are duly cited.
Self-Archiving Policy
The Revista Cuidarte has a self-archiving system that allows the preservation and restoration of manuscripts published in OJS by means of our PORTICO membership, which offers a reliable and cost-effective preservation of electronic resources, ensuring that their content is accessible for researchers in the future.
Similarity Index Policy
The Revista Cuidarte reviews each manuscript to detect plagiarism using the iThenticate Plagiarism Detection Software. The above ensures the compliance with Editorial Policies as it involves a review of similarity index. With a limit of up to 20%.
Claim Policy
Readers and authors must notify to the Revista Cuidarte in case of errors in a publication, especially those that might affect data interpretation. Corrections will be published and, when significant errors that might invalidate the work are found, consideration will be given to publishing a retraction.
CrossMark Policy
The Revista Cuidarte acknowledges the importance of maintaining the integrity of academic records for researchers and libraries, ensuring that electronic archives always have reliable content. When clicking on the CrossMark icon, the reader is informed on the current state of the document, besides the additional information on the publication history of the document. Contents displayed on the CrossMark icon are the same contents published on the Journal’s current or future website.
Following the recommendations of the Research Ethics Committee Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), changes in articles are considered in cases of Corrections, Retractions and withdrawal of article, described in Ethical principles of publication of The Revista Cuidarte.
Check the CrossMark section for further information.