"Establishing the Dialogic Bond that Relieves": A View from an Aesthetic Pattern
Coronary Disease, Treatment Adherence and Compliance, Nursing Care, Qualitative Research, CommunicationAbstract
Introduction: Cardiovascular disease is the second leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, which generates social and economic burden. Poor adherence to cardiovascular medication is associated with multiple risks. Objective: To describe the category “Establishing the dialogic bond that relieves from the aesthetic pattern.” Materials and Methods: A qualitative study based on Corbin and Strauss’ theory was conducted with twelve participants. Data were collected using in-depth interviews. In the analysis, texts were line-by-line coded and codes were labeled, which gave rise to subcategories and categories. Then the data were examined on a theoretical basis and categories were integrated and refined. Results: ‘Establishing the dialogic bond that relieves’ is composed by the subcategories ‘experiencing an environment of affection and confidence for learning: creating empathy’ and ‘establishing connections of care that provide satisfaction and build positive feelings of the dialogic encounter.’ Discussion: Establishing the dialogic bond that relieves is part of aesthetic knowledge as one of the patterns of knowledge described as "the art of nursing" that was identified by Carper. It is characterized by being intangible and does not go beyond the context of each individual's personal experience. Conclusions: The dialogic bond that relieves is a genuine encounter that allows creative nurse-patient interaction, experienced through words and gestures that expand the consciousness of human beings experiencing coronary heart disease and requiring chronic treatment to control the disease.
How to cite this article: Arango Restrepo María Cristina, Salazar Maya Angela María. Estableciendo vínculos dialógicos que alivian”: una mirada desde el patrón estético. Revista Cuidarte. 2020; 11(2): e1086. http://dx.doi.org/10.15649/cuidarte.1086
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