Validation of the FSI-10 questionnaire and satisfaction assessment with inhaler devices
Validity of Tests, Reproducibility of Results, Lung DiseasesAbstract
Introduction: COPD pharmacological treatment is progressively staggered according to severity, which can be modified based on its response. Therefore, instruments have been developed to assess patient satisfaction with different inhaler devices. However, these instruments have been designed mostly for patients with asthma. Objective: To validate the FSI-10 instrument and assess the degree of satisfaction with inhaler devices in COPD patients. Materials and Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study for content validation and stratified probability sampling with proportional allocation was conducted with 337 COPD patients in the Central province of the department of Boyacá, Colombia. The FSI-10 questionnaire was assessed using Bartlett’s test of sphericity, Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test and Cronbach’s alpha. Results: The test of sphericity was statistically significant, suggesting the presence of a correlation within the ten-question test. Total explained variation of the FSI-10 questions accounted for 81% of the variation. Assessed patients reported a degree of satisfaction between fair to good with the use of inhaler devices. Conclusions: FSI-10 psychometric properties enable its use in assessing patient satisfaction with inhaler devices with no difference in understanding and reliability results. Satisfaction with inhaler devices is not very high among the majority of the population assessed.
How to cite this article: Rojas Laverde María-del-Pilar, Roa - Cubaque Marcela, Polanía Robayo Alba Yanira, Corredor Gamba Sandra Patricia, Molina-Franky Jessica, Umbacía Salas Flor Ángela. Validación Cuestionario FSI-10 y Grado de Satisfacción con Dispositivos de Inhaloterapia. Revista Cuidarte. 2022;13(1):e1219.
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