Significance of comfort for chronically hospitalized patients
Patient Comfort, Chronic Disease, HospitalizationAbstract
Introduction: comfort, a quality of life component, seeks the preservation and recovery of health. Objective: was to understand the meaning of comfort in patients with chronic disease hospitalized in Medellin-Colombia. Material and methods: particularistic ethnographic research, with 14 participants, through semi-structured interviews and observation. Analysis was carried out with grounded theory tools, reading and rereading, data coding, and categories/subcategories were generated until theoretical saturation through theoretical sampling. Results: Categories: Interacting with others: The partner on the side and The death of another. Interacting with the health care team: Attributes of care; and Between comfort and discomfort with caregivers. Elements: communication and information. Discussion: comfort is given in part by the interaction that patients have with the health care team, especially with nursing. It was also understood what generates comfort and discomfort in patients. Personal attributes such as empathy, professional skills and the use of appropriate language are the most frequently mentioned. Likewise, information and communication are vital in the perception of comfort. Conclusions: the meaning that patients attribute to comfort is given by the interaction with the healthcare team, their personal attributes and the information provided about their health status and evolution as well as the effects of their treatment. Among those that cause discomfort: not being listened to, the negative attitude of the nursing staff, not attending to their call in a timely manner and witnessing the death of a partner.
How to cite this article: Cardozo Garcia Yadira. Salazar Maya Angela Maria. Escobar Ciro Carmen Liliana. Significado de la comodidad para pacientes crónicos hospitalizados. Revista Cuidarte. 2021;12(3):e1915.
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