Educational Alternation: A challenge to protect the health and life of the school community




Coronavirus, Controlled Cobfinement


The unexpected arrival of the pandemic brought everyone to face drastic changes in the way people used to live in normal times, forcing them to experience different types of home confinement. These resulted in the closure of almost all sectors and, consequently, the disruption of many essential services, such as educational interventions. Many of these interventions were aimed, apart from education itself, at providing protection to schoolchildren, detecting risk conditions of domestic violence, child abuse and child labor, providing school meals, monitoring compliance with immunization programs and preventing school dropout, among others.

How to cite this Article: Oróstegui Arenas Myriam, Bautista Lorenzo Leonelo Enrique, Martínez-Vega Ruth Aralí, Sosa Ávila Luis Miguel, Vera Cala Lina María, Rodríguez Villamizar Laura Andrea, Herrera Galindo Víctor Mauricio.  Alternancia Escolar: un reto para garantizar la salud y la vida de la comunidad educativa.   Revista Cuidarte. 2021;12(2):e.2244   

Author Biographies

Myriam Oróstegui Arenas, Universidad Industrial de Santander

Enfermera, Magister en Epidemiologia, Profesora Emérita Universidad Industrial de Santander, Santander Colombia

Leonelo Enrique Bautista Lorenzo, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Médico, PhD en Epidemiologia, Profesor Universidad de Madison, Estados Unidos

Ruth Aralí Martínez Vega , Universidad de Santander

Médica, PhD en Epidemiologia.  Profesora Universidad de Santander, Santander, Colombia

Luis Miguel Sosa Ávila, Universidad Industrial de Santander

Médico, Esp en Pediatria, Infectólogo Profesor Universidad Industrial de Santander, Santander, Colombia

Lina María Vera Cala, Universidad Industrial de Santander

Médica, PhD en Epidemiologia.  Profesora Universidad Industrial de Santander, Santander, Colombia

Laura Andrea Rodríguez Villamizar, Universidad Industrial de Santander

Médica, PhD en Epidemiologia.  Profesora Universidad Industrial de Santander, Santander, Colombia

Víctor Mauricio Herrera Galindo, Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga

Médico, PhD en Epidemiologia. Profesor Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia


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How to Cite

Oróstegui Arenas M, Bautista Lorenzo LE, Martínez Vega RA, Sosa Ávila LM, Vera Cala LM, Rodríguez Villamizar LA, et al. Educational Alternation: A challenge to protect the health and life of the school community. Revista Cuidarte [Internet]. 2021 May 31 [cited 2024 Jul. 20];12(2). Available from:



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