A Comprehensive Review and Open Challenges on Visual Question Answering Models
https://doi.org/10.15649/2346030X.3370Palabras clave:
VQA review, Image-question answering, Visual question answeringResumen
Users are now able to actively interact with images and pose different questions based on images, thanks to recent developments in artificial intelligence. In turn, a response in a natural language answer is expected. The study discusses a variety of datasets that can be used to examine applications for visual question-answering (VQA), as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Four different forms of VQA models—simple joint embedding-based models, attention-based models, knowledge-incorporated models, and domain-specific VQA models—are in-depth examined in this article. We also critically assess the drawbacks and future possibilities of all current state-of-the-art (SoTa), end-to-end VQA models. Finally, we present the directions and guidelines for further development of the VQA models.
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