Trends in multimedia engineering: a glocal view from the educational sector




multimedia engineering, trends, industry, academic programs, education


This article addresses the analysis of Multimedia Engineering in the global context, with the objective of analyzing trends and their relationship with the solution of industry needs, as well as the development of Multimedia Engineering in Colombia through academic programs; this academic program emerges to meet the growing demand for professionals in information and communication technologies, covering multimedia software, graphic design, audiovisual production, video games, among other emerging fields; globally, leading universities such as Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore, Northeastern University, Zhejiang University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University offer related programs; in Latin America, trends have been identified in graphic design and multimedia post-production, video games and 3D, and web and mobile applications; universities such as UNIACC, La Salle Noroeste and Universidad de La Rioja reflect this evolution; In Colombia, Multimedia Engineering is aligned with trends such as multimedia content, augmented reality, user-centered systems and web development due to the growth of ICT; there are currently 14 active programs that develop competencies in telecommunications technologies and computer applications to produce and distribute audiovisual content; these programs are offered in classroom and virtual mode; the research was developed through a qualitative documentary approach; The conclusion is that Multimedia Engineering impacts fields such as education, journalism, health and entertainment; providing innovative multimedia solutions in these sectors, such as telemedicine platforms, educational software, virtual reality for training, among others; this article offers a comprehensive view of contemporary trends and the impact of the discipline in the region; it also highlights the relevance of Multimedia Engineering in the current industry and how the training of professionals is decisive for technological progress in Latin America.


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How to Cite

J. L. Leal-Pabón, R. E. Rodríguez-Ibáñez, and R. E. Mendoza-Gafaro, “Trends in multimedia engineering: a glocal view from the educational sector”, AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e Ingeniería, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 162–172, May 2024.



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