Contribution of nursing research to fighting against COVID-19 pandemic. A systematic review



Palabras clave:

Coronavirus Infections, Betacoronavirus, Nursing Care, Pandemics, Systematic Review


  • During the initial phase of the pandemic, almost half of the articles included were focused on the clinical setting.
  • Mental health and management were the main research topics.
  • Most studies were conducted in China, the United Kingdom and the United States, and the most frequent design was the narrative reviews.
  • These findings are aligned with the challenges and are essential to making the nursing research visible and valuable since the beginning of the pandemic.

Introduction: The 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, should be an opportunity to ensure greater visibility of nursing in health systems and society worldwide. Objective: Review and synthesize the patterns on COVID-19 and nursing research, identifying the main journals, country of origin, language, topics, designs, and area of applicability of the results. Materials and Methods: Systematic review. Searches in PubMed, CINAHL, LILACS, and EMBASE databases (from the inception of the pandemic to May 15, 2020) were performed. Articles of any language related were related to SARS-CoV-2 infection or COVID-19 disease and nursing in any of its roles (care, management, education, among others) and using
any epidemiological design or a scientific report were included. Two reviewers independently selected the studies and extracted the data. The main findings from the included studies were summarized through narrative synthesis and descriptive tables. The characteristics of the studies were presented as absolute values and proportions. Results: Three hundred and sixty-five articles were assessed for eligibility. Thirty-eight were included, published in 28 journals. Of those, 53.57% (n=15) were nursing specific. Most articles were “narrative reviews”, accounting for 23.68% (n=9). Most studies were conducted in China (n=18, 47.37%), followed
by the United Kingdom and the United States. Thirty-four (89.47%) articles were published in English, followed by Portuguese and Chinese. We identified five areas of application of the results, and the most frequent was the “clinical” setting with 47.00% (n=18). Discussion: These findings are crucial to give visibility to nursing work during the emergency of the COVID-19 pandemic. Mental health was the main research topic, while the clinical setting concentrates the major number of articles. This pattern was aligned with the challenges of the initial phase of the pandemic. Conclusion: Future research should explore the current state of evidence in the main topics identified in this review and continue to give visibility to work carried out by nursing in the emergency of the COVID-19 pandemic.

How to cite this article: Rojas LZ, Hernández Vargas JA, Trujillo-Cáceres SJ, Romero Guevara SL. Contribution of nursing research to fighting against COVID-19 pandemic. A systematic review. Revista Cuidarte. 2022;13(2):e2545. 

Biografía del autor/a

Lyda Rojas, Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia

Research Group and Development of Nursing Knowledge (GIDCENFCV), Research Center, Cardiovascular Foundation of Colombia.

Juliana Alexandra Hernández Vargas, Cuenta de Alto Costo, Fondo Colombiano de Enfermedades de Alto Costo

High-Cost Account, High-Cost Diseases Fund, Bogotá, Colombia.

Silvia Juliana Trujillo-Cáceres, Cuenta de Alto Costo, Fondo Colombiano de Enfermedades de Alto Costo

High-Cost Account, High-Cost Diseases Fund, Bogotá, Colombia.

Sandra Lucrecia Romero Guevara, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia

GRINFER Group, School of Nursing.


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Rojas L, Hernández Vargas JA, Trujillo-Cáceres SJ, Romero Guevara SL. Contribution of nursing research to fighting against COVID-19 pandemic. A systematic review. Revista Cuidarte [Internet]. 13 de junio de 2022 [citado 7 de marzo de 2025];13(2). Disponible en:



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