Analysis of dyslipidemia in people living with HIV
HIV Infections, Dyslipidemias, Risk Factors, Cardiovascular Diseases, Acquired Immudeficiency SyndromeAbstract
Introduction: In the context of people living with HIV (PLHIV), dyslipidemia is an issue that has been widely discussed, both because of its multifactorial origin and its cardiovascular implications as well as because of its possible prevention strategies. Thus, this study aims to assess the presence of dyslipidemia in people living with HIV and its association with socio-demographic, attitudinal and clinical aspects. Materials and Methods: An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted between 2014 and 2016. The data were collected through interviews in which questionnaires and clinical records were used. To analyze the association, Chi-Squared and Fisher’s Exact tests and Kappa statistics were used for concordance analysis with a level of significance of p<0.05. Results: 340 individuals participated in the study of which 59.1% showed desirable values in terms of total cholesterol, 55.9% of HDL and 56.8% of triglycerides. The variables associated with dyslipidemia were: altered total cholesterol and being over 40 years old (p=0.02); desirable HDL-C and female sex (p=0.007); altered triglycerides and time of diagnosis greater than ten years (p=0.008); and desirable HDL-C and undetectable viral load (p=0.04). Discussion: Although dyslipidemia is a problem in the HIV context, the desirable values were more prevalent, which is reflected in the catalytic effect of the HIV-caused inflammatory activity on lipid alterations. Conclusions: Dyslipidemia on people living with HIV mainly showed desirable values for total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglycerides. There was an association between lipids and socio-demographic and clinical aspects related to VIH.
Como citar este artigo: Melo ES, Costa CRB, Foresto JS, Antonini M, Pontes PS, Reis RK. Análise da dislipidemia em adultos vivendo com HIV. Rev Cuid. 2019; 10(2): e776.
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