Strategies for the improvement of productivity, quality and competitiveness in companies in the clothing sector in the State of Táchira, Venezuela.




proposals, factors, productivity, quality, competitiveness, companies, clothing.


The objective of the article is to propose strategies to improve productivity, quality and competitiveness in companies in the clothing sector in the State of Táchira, Venezuela. It was a quantitative study of a descriptive level, with a field design, and a population of 98 companies in the textile manufacturing sector located in the municipalities of San Cristóbal, Bolívar and Pedro María Ureña in the state of Táchira. The survey was used as a collection technique, and as an instrument validated by expert judgment, being the variables: the state of the aspects of the production chain, and the determination of the dynamics of the management of productivity, quality and competitiveness in these companies. Among the main results there are some inconsistencies about the conception of productivity, difficulties in accessing inputs and raw materials, low production level, machinery only with corrective maintenance. Regarding quality management, there are quality policies, goals and objectives, but they do not have a quality system or technical specifications for the products. Regarding competitiveness, suppliers have high bargaining power; companies have advantages over customers in terms of setting prices and the quality and quantity of products; The entry of new competitors is low due to external difficulties and the high level of investment. Proposals were designed based on correcting the aspects that presented the greatest weaknesses for companies in the clothing sector.


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How to Cite

M. . Sierra-Parada, D. A. . Madriz-Rodríguez, M. E. . Castillo-Matheus, P. A. . Coronel-Villalobos, and J. C. Chacín-Betancourt, “Strategies for the improvement of productivity, quality and competitiveness in companies in the clothing sector in the State of Táchira, Venezuela”., AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e Ingeniería, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 77–86, Sep. 2022.



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