Analysis of the scientific production in STEAM education: a review from the web of science database
bibliometric analysis, STEAM research trends, STEAM educational approach, WoS databaseAbstract
This bibliometric review of 223 articles on the STEAM educational approach, extracted from the WoS database, shows diverse behaviours across the observation window, demonstrating that the STEAM educational approach has evolved in response to the growing demand for interdisciplinary and creative skills, especially driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, which reinforced the need for innovative pedagogical strategies. The main findings are identified as the predominance of empirical research over any other academic publishing option. At the level of authors, the contributions of Lavicza and Quigley stand out, and the research has aroused interest in all continents, but the United States and Spain stand out as the pioneers in publications in this database on the STEAM educational approach. The main research trends are concentrated around a set of areas that reflect a growing interest in applying STEAM to develop critical and technical skills in students, where emerging methodologies and technologies, together with creativity and transdisciplinary integration become the pillars on which the success of this educational approach is guaranteed in diverse educational contexts.
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