Effectiveness of a Teaching Strategy for Pediatrics Medication Administration





Education, Nursing, Academic Performance, Educational Measurement


Introduction: The pandemic originated by the new coronavirus, made university teachers face the challenge of adopting new didactic online strategies to give continuity to the teaching-learning process. The objective of the study was to determine the effectiveness in the use of an online learning object in the nursing professionals training. Materials and Methods: This is a quantitative quasi-experimental pre-post study with a non-randomized control group. The measurements were aimed at determining the effect of the online learning object application. Results: The population was made up by all fifth-semester Nursing students of the Universidad de los Llanos, during the first and second semester of 2018. A sample of 81 subjects (40 in the control group and 41 in the experimental group) was guaranteed. The McNemar test was used to determine differences between paired groups and Mann Whitney U to compare scores and difference.  The skills development was evidenced in both groups, but with a higher level in the group intervened with the online object, which indicates that the strategy significantly improved the development of skills compared to traditional teaching and was quite useful in times of pandemic. Conclusions: The application of the online learning object favored the teaching-learning process, allowed developing the competence of administering medications in pediatrics, in a critical and reflective manner.

How to cite this article:Valderrama Sanabria Mery Luz. Efectividad de una Estrategia de enseñanza en Administración de Medicamentos en Pediatría. Revista Cuidarte. 2021;12(3): e2042. http://dx.doi.org/10.15649/cuidarte.2042     

Author Biography

Mery Luz Valderrama Sanabria, UNIVERSIDAD DE LOS LLANOS

Enfermera UPTC, Especialista en Cuidado Critico Pediátrico, Magister en Enfermeria, Docente Universidad de los Llanos, Candidata a Doctora en Educación.


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How to Cite

Valderrama Sanabria ML. Effectiveness of a Teaching Strategy for Pediatrics Medication Administration. Revista Cuidarte [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 20 [cited 2024 Sep. 1];12(3). Available from: https://revistas.udes.edu.co/cuidarte/article/view/2042



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