Teacher training in technology: its influence on ICT competencies





education, digital competence, computer literacy, technological education


This study analyzes the digital competencies of educators in Norte de Santander, Colombia, and the influence of socio-academic variables. A quantitative, descriptive, and correlational design was adopted with a sample of 538 elementary and high school teachers in public educational institutions. Using a questionnaire based on the ICT competencies model of the Colombian Ministry of National Education, technological, pedagogical, communicative, management, and investigative skills were evaluated at the explorer, integrator, and innovator levels. The data were analyzed with SPSS using descriptive analyses, Spearman correlations, and ANOVA. The results indicate significant variations in ICT competencies according to age, gender, and academic background, with younger teachers and those with postgraduate studies showing greater skills and confidence in using ICT. Continuous and postgraduate training is essential for developing digital competencies, although challenges persist in the investigative and communicative areas. ICT training must be differentiated and adapted to the demographic and professional characteristics of teachers to improve its application in educational contexts.


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How to Cite

C. A. Hernández-Suárez, J. D. Hernández-Albarracín, and J. Rodríguez-Moreno, “Teacher training in technology: its influence on ICT competencies”, AiBi Revista de Investigación, Administración e Ingeniería, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 85–96, Sep. 2024.



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